poniedziałek, 28 lipca 2014

Msp Babies and Msp being DELETED ? !

 Hi guys so today I will be talking about or writing about xD msp babies yes babies and about msp being DELETED ? I'm going to start off with the babies ...so basically there's has been these two girls which made these forums about babies let me just show you...

So yeah... and this GrannyVile it's hard to tell if she's nine or not and are they joking or are they serious at the same time I think they are serious but then I think..they are probally like just joking and stuff *--* so
what do you think about this babies forum ? o-o and now its time for msp being deleted.....

There has been these rumours that msp is going to be deleted ...

Ok so here's the picture from instagram...

To me,it's just so FAKE like seriously if this would be TRUE then MSP would have told us already...
and let's say if this is TRUE then mua want mua money back XDD like seriously...don't believe in everything you see on the internet .... ;) and think about...where did this girl which posted this on instagram get that picture ? ! not from msp that's for sure..it's probally photoshoped or so....because msp can't be bankrupt because they DO get money and let's say they are closing on the 20th of August then it's probally to fix something but I'm pretty sure that this won't happen  ;p . and I know I never was a vip on the uk msp but I was on the polish msp first I got a vip for three months and all that stuff and then later one I just went of buying couple of times a vip for a month from my phone so if this is true that they are deleting msp then they should give people their money back ( somehow XDD) I decided that I'm going to write to msp about it ....

So yeah I hope they will answer and that they will make a forum about it, probally not but you never know . :D so yeah that's basically it don't foget to add meh on uk emespi o.o ( msp xd )

niedziela, 27 lipca 2014

Important !!!! ....

Hi I have something important to say......

                                                       Ok so..........scroll down more.....

                                               Ok so basically...I HIT 300 VIEWS ON MY BLOG
                                                 THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU

                                                  DON'T FOGET TO ADD ME O UK MSP

piątek, 25 lipca 2014

My Favourite Styles Which People Made On The Polish MSP ((;

Hello, so today I decided to do something different I guess ? I decided that I'm going to show you my favourite styles which people made on the polish msp today I only picked four but believe me there's more I might do a part two ...but when I actually don't know..:P Believe me I like pretty much all of the look's these people made but I decided to pick three ,two or more :)

Ok so I'm going to start of with : EmoNisia110

I just adore these two there's more but I decided just to pick them two ;) This second one with the pink and black..when I first saw it I just wanted to buy it but the shoes are vip the earings and all that stuff.;P but seriously....I adore these two ♥ :D

Now it's time for Arli

                                                                   Amazing... :D

Now it's time for Theyla

     I like the barbie one hehe XD I like all of them three :p

And now the final one is ! ! ! Alicja ! ! !


środa, 23 lipca 2014

New MSP Update ?

Hi ;) so...I heard that there's this new update on www.moviestarplanet.dk so I decided to make a account and see what it is ;). So basically...when you go to movie town you will see this

I don't know when you will be able to use it...but anyway..;) when you click on it , it's basically empty...

So as you can see it's empty but when I clicked on Mine...

It said this and I had no idea what it meant so I went to google translate ;p

So I guess this means : Use MSP by phone or tablet to share photos :). I think It might be cool ;p.
So..what do YOU think ? do you think it's going to be a good update ?
I hope it's going to be a good one this time.....

So yeah that's it :) DON'T FORGET TO ADD ME ON UK MSP : Lady Vicky

poniedziałek, 21 lipca 2014

Dublin Zoo 20/7/14

Hi <3 I don't know where to start....XD Thank you so much for 199 views nearly 200 like that's just amazing.I might not be the best blogger ever but I'm trying my best I'm just starting..:) Ok so it's Monday and I said that on Monday I would make a new post and show you guys photos from the zoo ;) The zoo was called Dublin Zoo.We went like around half past 8 or so because like when I looked at the time last it said 8:20 and we had to go back to my Aunties house because she forgot something so around half past we were going :P . My Uncle was driving and like I remember when we kept on driving the same way like 3 three times because this woman  said to go this way then go this way and all that stuff ;-; I don't know how to explain by this woman said like we used this thing which showed us the way she told us where to go and yeah...I don't know if you understand but anyway...:D I also remember when my uncle finally found Dublin Zoo we were clapping lol . :D ok so I took loads of pictures and I also filmed I will only show you pictures not the videos..and there's some pictures where I show my face but I won't show you them or my brothers face ...only the animals and maybe the ice creams and the stuff we bought so yeah let's get started XD

PLUS THESE PICTURES ARE NOT FROM THE INTERNET !!!!!  AND I TOOK MORE THAN 100 PICTURES AND THAT WOULD TAKE AGES TO LOAD SO I'M JUST GONNA SHOW YOU MY FAVOURITE ONES. Believe me, IT WAS REALLY REALLY HARD to pick my favourites ones because I like every picture as I said I took waaaaay more pictures than this but If I had to show you all of them then It would take ages ;__; anyways hope you will enjoy ;3

So yeah..It took so looong to upload these here ;__; anyways thanks for all the views and don't forget to add me on uk msp ;)