piątek, 4 lipca 2014

Dragon Riders Competition

Hi so I decided to make another post today ! :D altogether two posts in one day :). As you may know every Thursday there's a new competition on MSP this weeks theme is : Dragon Riders

Ok so this is how it looks :)   now I'm going to show you the new background

Only one background.....It does look cool ;) It costs 450sc.. would
I buy it ? well....If I had loads of sc then why not ...but I wouldn't use it

Ok and now the animations :D

5 new animations..... well I guess they are okay they
pretty much match the competition but I
didn't bought any of them because I don't
have money..:)  

Now let's look at the new items..:)

Wow..one of them costs 1000sc ! no way
that I'm going to buy that ! :D don't
know what to write about these.....

Now it's time for CLOTHES ! :D
lets see how many pages of clothes 
did girls get shall we ? ;)

Two pages... some of them are not new..;) I like the non vip hair *o*
which costs 500sc :) and I also like this dress for non vips
which costs 600sc :p I would rate these two
pages...hmm... 7/10 ? ;)

Now let's see the boys clothes! ;D after we look at boys clothes
I'm going to make styles for non vip girls and for vip
girls and same with boys :).

One page for boys...NOTHING new there's always
one page for boys...well....at least everything
is new here...I think..but I'm pretty sure 
that they are all new :) I'm going to
rate this ONE page ... 5/10 I'm so nice :D

Now it's time for the style thing ? :D

Ok so this look is for NON VIPS
I really like this look I think
it's pretty :) it costs as you
can see 1600 sc if I had
that much money I would
buy it ;p and now the colours 
which I used...

So yeah....this is a look for NON VIPS
If you like this look you can buy it,
you of COURSE can change
the colours the WAY you WANT TO :D

Here's a style for the VIPS 

As you can see the only difference  in this look is that the hair is for VIPS 
and the dress :) altogether it costs 1500sc 100sc less than the other look

The colours which I used ...

If you like this look you can buy it 
but if you don't like the colours...
well..what do you do?

Now it's time for the boys :p

So this look is for NON VIPS it costs 1800sc....
the only thing which I didn't use from the
competition is the SHORTS 
and then the rest is from the competition :)
the colours which I used..

If you like this look you can buy it :)
If you do like the look but not the colours
well what do ya do?

Here's a style for the VIPS 

GINGER MAN ! :D ok is this ginger?
XD now..this look costs
1725sc and 2 diamonds
the helmet costs 2d :)
the colours which I used...

If you like this look you can buy it...
but if you like the look and not the colours
well..what do you do ?

Ok so this is it for today you can add me on the UK MSP
this is how I look...see ya soon people :D

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